Monthly Archives: December 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  Our week went well. Christmas Eve was quiet, and Tom went to bed early.  We went to my parents on Christmas Day.  Tom managed pretty well there. Played some games, ate, and took a nap.  We started Wednesday off early by heading to Waco to spend time with Tom’s family.  Tom handled it well, but early on he did need to lay down, as he had forgotten how busy lots of people can be.  We found a quiet spot in his mom’s “sewing room” to eat dinner, and than later played a game of hearts.  It was good to spend time with Tom’s sister Virginia and family from Cody.  The kids are glad that dad is doing better, as every year we get a “family” gift, and Tom typically takes care of that.  Well, it was up to me this year.  I decided on a Keurig coffee maker, and in the color Purple.  In years, past we’ve gotten things like a basketball hoop, or an outside/sport like gift.  I think the kids prefer dad’s gifts to mine.

Tom had two therapy sessions on Thursday and Friday, which are beginning to get harder.  He’s up for the challenges at least in his mind. Tom spent some of Saturday practicing using his right hand in picking up coins and stacking them.  Harder than he thought it would be. Virginia gave him some good ideas for working his right arm, and asked the physical therapy people about using more myofacial release treatments.  They did, and will continue to add that to Tom’s therapy.  Virginia is a physical therapist.  Helps to have medical people in the family to help guide us in a positive direction.  Going forward therapy begins Monday with three times a week.

Please keep praying for successful therapy sessions, and getting Tom to work sooner than later.

Happy New Year everyone.  and thank you thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Sunday, December 23,2012

Well, the last couple of days have been okay.  The snow put Tom inside and no walking outside. He could walk up and down the driveway several times, that’s completely cleared.  The kids and I managed to get the driveway cleared in about 4 1/2 hours.  Our snow blower didn’t perform to well, so we shoveled most of it by hand.  Ben was right in requesting a new snow blower.  Maybe we’ll have one in time for the next snow storm.  My back left me knowing how heavy and deep the snow was. Therapy went well for Tom on Friday.  He really likes the speech part, as that’s where he needs the most work.  His right shoulder is still giving him a lot of pain.  He mentioned today if it wasn’t for the pain, he’d feel pretty good.  I keep reminding him baby steps to building his muscle back around the shoulder area.

We ventured over to my parents house to celebrate my dad’s and Lindsey’s birthdays.  Tom wasn’t sure if he was up to a more challenging game.  He did play Starfarer’s of Catan with Nathaniel and others.  He came in second.  Tom was pleased to find he was sharper than he thought.  The outing did tire him out, and he napped most of Saturday. A highlight was going to church for the first time in 7 or so weeks.  It was so good to see our church family and sing Christmas songs.  Tom even took us out to lunch.  Yes, he napped during the afternoon, and woke up just in time for the “Sound of Music”.  We’ll lay low again Monday, and rest up for Christmas Day and the day after.  Time for lots of family and visiting.  As of now, Tom feels like he can travel to the farm to celebrate with his family.  That’ll be on the 26th.  Therapy is Thursday/Friday this week, and three times starting next week.

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and please enjoy your families and the holiday season. Blessings to all of you!

Wednesday evening, December 19, 2012

I’m glad we’re all home tonight.  Well, Nathaniel isn’t he made his way to another LAN party.  We’ll have to make sure we save him some snow to shovel:)  The kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow, and an early start on Christmas vacation.  Ben and Josh still have finals to complete, so Friday would be a good day to have school to finish up the semester.  Today was a lazy day for Tom.  No therapy just read emails and napped.  His therapy went fine yesterday, but it wasn’t to taxing, just some answer and question time.  Outpatient instructors are different than the in house therapists, so they don’t know everything about Tom.  One good note, they feel that Tom’s right shoulder might be loosening up.  He can move it a bit more.  It still hurts and sore.  He’d really like to lay on his side while sleeping, but his arm pulls down.  We put a pillow under his arm, but that doesn’t hold for long term. Yesterday, he and Nathaniel walked completely around the block.  The block would be around our street to the HWY and up the HWY back to our street.  About a mile.  Last night, Tom was able to attend Noah’s Christmas program.  Noah was very happy to have dad there.  The event did wear him out, with all the people and noise was a bit overwhelming to him. But, he wouldn’t have missed it.  His next therapy is Friday morning.  Good thing as I’d rather not have to get up to early to shovel.  Enjoy our Blizzard.

Monday, December 17,2012

A quick update on Tom.  We had a pretty quiet weekend.  Tom worked on his “homework” for therapy, we took a couple of walks, and he slept a lot.  Still continued pain in his right shoulder, but didn’t need as many pain medicine for it.  In fact, last night we both slept all night.   That hasn’t happened in a long time.  Granted we didn’t get to bed until 11, Tom had to watch the end of a football game and kids for whatever reason were still up.  I think they think they’re on Christmas vacation already.

Yesterday was filled with a light snowfall and carolers out our front door.  A group from our church went caroling yesterday afternoon, and we made the list.  We both enjoyed the music, and I loved Keegan’s comment about hurrying up to get back on the bus.  I was a bit chilly. Thank you for including us on the list.  Tom commented back to the carolers, he plans to go to church next Sunday. We are so blessed with a very loving church family. His next outing outside will be Tuesday for therapy and give Noah’s Christmas program a try.

Thank you to Ben and Nathaniel for taking Noah to his scout space derby last night, Noah came home happy and more settled.  He can’t wait for next months scout lock in.  Also, thank you to Cheryl and Therese for helping me with my Mary Kay/Longaberger open house.  If you didn’t make it, no worries. You can still save on Mary Kay through the 23rd of this month.  Call me.

Speaking of children they are not up yet, better see to that.  Have a great day. Blessings to all.

Friday, December 14,2012

Tom did indeed make it home yesterday.  We were able to get discharged in plenty of time for Tom to come home and take a nice long nap.  Tom woke up and felt like he could go to Ben/Joshua’s Christmas program.  Noah was so excited to find dad home when he go home from school.  An added bonus, Tom’s parents had planned on coming in town for the program, but enjoyed Tom’s homecoming too.

Tom was able to sleep through the night.  I on the other hand I did not.  I kept waking up and checking on Tom.  I am suffering today with upper back tension and a nice headache.  I think I’m starting to come down from weeks of strain, and the weather changes don’t help any. The house is quiet now, and I did get a nap in too.  Tom has slept most of the day so far, but feels human again.  This morning I gave him his long overdue haircut.  After a shower and breakfast, Tom took a place on the couch and went to sleep.  He has his work laptop by him, with thoughts of logging on.  He is very driven to get back to work.

Therapy will begin next week, and will meet three times a week through January.  From his therapy yesterday, there is homework to do due Tuesday.  We’ll all help him with that.  Looking forward to Nathaniel coming home later today for break.  His roommate Aidan is doing good after his accident.

I cannot thank each of you enough for all the continued support.  Blessings have diffidently been given to us and with God and your support all is going to be good.  A miracle to say the least, at where we were just a few weeks ago.  The road to recovery is still on the up hill climb, but I can see the top.  Many ask how I am doing, I’ve thought about that a lot.  No, this isn’t fun, but I pray daily (more than once), realize that I just have to keep moving forward, I’ve been given so many great words of advice- I go back to those words for strength. I also know that God isn’t leaving me, but guiding me the whole way. I thank you and him … Blessings to all of you…….

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tom had another good day.  He was tired after his sessions and looking forward to a shower. He has also finished reading a book that was started in the hospital.  That may not sound like that big of deal, but it is.  I believe they have been using the book in speech therapy. The book is “Green” by Ted Dekker.  Good thing Tom finished it, as it needs to get back to the library.

Well,  after the family meeting yesterday, we have a new plan yet again.  Tom will again move to a new room number and this time it’s…drum roll 10918 (a.k.a.  HOME). Yes!

During the meeting, we learned were Tom started and is projected to end as far as therapy goes. His functional independence measurement was an 81 score on day 1 of therapy, and yesterday it was a 97 with a one week goal at 114.  Basically, patients are scored on the need to have help or no help in a variety of tasks.  Those types of tasks are self -care, sphincter control,mobility-transfers one self from bed, chair, and etc, locomotion – walking and distance, communication, and social/cognition.  The first three Tom has gained the most points the quickest, 6 and 7’s.  7 being the highest possible point.  The last three range from 4 to 7 in points.  They gave me a chart that clearly outlines each area and points overall.  Patients are typically discharged from acute in house care in the upper 80’s to middle 90’s.  Again Tom is currently at 97.  He’ll have Thursday, today for sessions and then I’ll pick him up this afternoon to come home.  Beginning Monday, Tom will start three days a week of out patient therapy.  That can last up to two months or so.  We will meet with his primary doctor in two weeks, Dr. Thorell, in January, and Dr. Burkman (therapy Doctor) at the end of January.  Tom’s medical leave is up 2/5, so we’ll see if more leave if needed at the end of January.  The boys were very attentive during the meeting, and more than willing to help Tom with recovery. Tom has requested to play lots of card games and other games to get his memory and problem solving area going.  Ben only requested to not play skip bo too much.  Doctor Burkman did state that Tom demonstrates aphasia and apraxia, he completes apraxia therapy with reading word lists, and requires min assist to correct apraxic errors.  He recommends 24 hour supervision. I’m glad it’s going to be Christmas break soon, and with the boys home Tom should have plenty of supervision.  Maybe more than he bargain for.

Tom has restrictions, no driving, no climbing ladders, no shoveling snow, no walking on ice (use extreme caution), no hand or power tools usage, no cooking with hot items, no work, can only carry items 10lbs or less for now and that will change to 20lbs. in a week or so.  He’s okay with the no shoveling, and again Ben has requested a new snow blower.  Ours has been on it’s last leg for a few years now.

I’ve been asked to be at the hospital by 1pm, and we’ll bring Tom home to rest.  He hopes he feels well enough to go to Ben/Joshua’s Christmas concert.  Doctor said he could if he’s up to it. Tom’s a bit nervous to be home again, but it’ll be good.  Tom is hoping for getting more sleep at home, he didn’t get as much as he thought he could during in house therapy.  Going forward, if you desire to visit and come play a card game or two, that would be great.  I’ll let everyone know his out patient therapy schedule, and when would be best to visit.  I’m sure the walls of our house will begin to close in on him too after a while.  So again,  his new room number is 10918 Yah!!!!

Have a GREAT day!


Wednesday morning, December 12, 2012

This will be quick.  I woke up late and need to get Noah going for school.  Tom had a good day yesterday.  No feeling of nausea and went through all sessions very well. His only irritation was not getting through on the phone to me.  He was trying to call me to let me know therapy times had changed for the day.  I told him I was busy returning phone calls for my businesses, someone needs to be working.  Ha Ha  Tom wasn’t really that upset, and I really was returning phone calls to customers.

The boys and I went up after school and played several games of UNO. I think we each won a   couple of rounds. It’s a good thing Tom likes to play games as that will be very helpful in his recovery.  Our meeting with the hospital has been changed to today at 4:30.  We’ll have a better idea of how things are going in therapy, and how much longer they feel Tom needs to stay in acute care.  Much to do today.  Christmas program practices for the boys and setting up my open house for Mary Kay and Longaberger.  Thank you Therese and Cheryl for encouraging me to  continue on with having it and running it for me. Amy loved the brats and pie:)

Keep a song in your heart.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

First birthday wishes to Katherine and my dad.  Katherine I hope your day was terrific.  Tom told me yesterday that he’d tried to call you, but wasn’t sure if he had your right number.  I gave him a number yesterday, so he was going to try that last night.  He is thinking of you a lot. Dad today is your day, and it’ll be great.  Thank you for all your help around the house.

I visited with Tom for a shorter time yesterday.  When I arrived he was sound asleep, so I went out to the large gathering room and waited.  I noticed his roommate wheeled by, and new that would wake Tom up, so I went back in after a few minutes.  Tom wasn’t feeling the greatest, very tired and had some nausea.  Apparently, during one his morning sessions he did get sick to his stomach. Lunch didn’t look very tasty, and ate only the roll and ice cream.  We tried to work on his word list, but he just really wanted to sleep.  I encouraged him to do just that, and I left and checked in with him later.  I needed to take care of some items with the kids, so timing on that was good.  Tom called later in the day and sounded more rested.  He admitted that he felt better and the afternoon sessions went okay.  Shandree and her parents and Bob and Jared stopped by, and Tom enjoyed those visits.  Tom had showered and was ready to eat dinner, which looked good to him.  I told him to enjoy dinner and get to bed early.  Maybe read the paper we brought up and work on his words, and we’d see him today.  He liked that idea.  This gave us time to check the boys clothing as Josh/Ben have their Christmas concert Thursday evening.

We have a family meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon at 4pm.  That’s for the boys and I to talk about Tom’s recovery and what we need to be ready for at home.  Tom’s shoulder is still bothering him, and we’re hoping by movement the shoulder will over time strengthen again.  It’s hard to concentrate when you’re in pain.  Tom is taking some pain medicine to help relieve the soreness.  I massage the area, but I have to go very softly, but it does help.

Please continue to pray for the boys and Tom.  They have been very patient with the changes in the house, and the fact that it is Christmas time.  Some of what we do this time of year isn’t happening, and the boys are not complaining.  Noah and I did curl up and watch the “Borrowers” and “Hallmark’s Hall of Fame movie–Christmas with Holly”.  We had just the TV and lights from the Christmas tree on, and the room was very peaceful.  Noah is hoping Tom will be out of the hospital to come to his Christmas program on the 18th.  We’re not sure yet on that. Time to get going and get Noah to school.  The other boys have already left.  Have a great day.


Monday morning, December 10,2012

Where does the time go? I was really tired this weekend and just went to bed before writing, sorry. Anyway, Tom has begun his therapy, and enjoys the new freedoms of being able to move around a bit.  He isn’t hooked up to any IV’s, just a bandage over the site of his pick line, and the wrist bands.  I took him his a pair of sweats, and told him he looked like Rocky ready to fight.  (Tom doesn’t really wear hooded pull over sweatshirts, and the kids gave him a set last year for Christmas in a grey/blue color)  So, Rocky came to mind when he put it on Saturday and the road ahead of us to recovery.  Maybe weird thinking, but oh well.

Tom is impressed with the variety of machines and how they can help people.  Example, the swimming pool just isn’t a pool, but it can do measurements and I believe the water level is controlled for whatever a person’s need is.That is a very loose description but close.  Naturally, he is working hard on the speech because his desire to go back to work is high.  Yesterday, he showed about 8 pages of “homework” due today.  Tom’s taking this very seriously.

We are going to get a reputation for disappearing.  Yesterday, the kids and I planned to take a movie up and watch with Tom.  Well, the rooms become very small, since Tom has a roommate, and we take up a lot of space.  So, we asked the nurse if there was another area we could go.  She gave us permission to go to floor 6th in one of there family waiting rooms.  So we went.  Only Ben had seen the new Batman, so that’s what we watched.  I didn’t realize it was almost a three hour movie.  The new nurse didn’t know where Tom had gone, and I guess they were looking for him all over the floor.  His nurse did find us, and said all was good.  Well, Tom did miss his dinner which they put in the refrigerator for him and reheated up.  We did have to pause the movie so Tom could go take his schedule medicines. It was good to do something together even if it was in the hospital. Today, Tom begins his therapy is earnest.  He’ll be done between 4 and 4:30, and will rest after that.  So, maybe no visits until after 5 or 5:30.  He should have an hour or two between 11 am and 1 pm before afternoon sessions.

As for me, I am weary this present day.  Nathaniel’s roommate Aidan, was hit by a car Thursday while running.  He’ll be okay, but did spend the night at Bryan West in ICU.  He has a concussion, bruises, and 5 staples in his head.  I made cookies for him and roommates and visited him at home this weekend.  He looks good, but bruises are there.  Pray for Aidan and Nathaniel they are going into finals week at UNL.  Also, Tom’s roommate is in a bad situation.  He had back surgery and while home recovering fell and re hurt the back.  He is now paralyzed from the waist down. It is unsure if he’ll regain feeling.  Tom’s overheard his conversations to a variety of places cancelling services because funds are tight.  He doesn’t get visitors and seems so alone.  Please pray for him, I believe his name is Billy.  On a lighter note, the outlook for Tom to be home by Christmas is very good. It is too early for that decision to be made.  Everyone stay warm today, it’s cold.  Have a great day.


Dancing Again

We got in on the wonderful excitement today and are so glad that we were there for Tom’s move. We hadn’t seen him since Monday morning before his move out of ICU and down to 6th floor at the Med Center. His change from then was phenomenal. He’s gone from having sat in a chair for an hour or two to moving freely around, showing his sense of humor and being able to express whatever he wants to say. Speaking still doesn’t feel totally comfortable for him, but to the listener it is so much easier to visit. We now have a very good reason to hope for full recovery and his being home for Christmas! Thank you, Lord — and thank you all for your prayers!