Sunday, December 23,2012

Well, the last couple of days have been okay.  The snow put Tom inside and no walking outside. He could walk up and down the driveway several times, that’s completely cleared.  The kids and I managed to get the driveway cleared in about 4 1/2 hours.  Our snow blower didn’t perform to well, so we shoveled most of it by hand.  Ben was right in requesting a new snow blower.  Maybe we’ll have one in time for the next snow storm.  My back left me knowing how heavy and deep the snow was. Therapy went well for Tom on Friday.  He really likes the speech part, as that’s where he needs the most work.  His right shoulder is still giving him a lot of pain.  He mentioned today if it wasn’t for the pain, he’d feel pretty good.  I keep reminding him baby steps to building his muscle back around the shoulder area.

We ventured over to my parents house to celebrate my dad’s and Lindsey’s birthdays.  Tom wasn’t sure if he was up to a more challenging game.  He did play Starfarer’s of Catan with Nathaniel and others.  He came in second.  Tom was pleased to find he was sharper than he thought.  The outing did tire him out, and he napped most of Saturday. A highlight was going to church for the first time in 7 or so weeks.  It was so good to see our church family and sing Christmas songs.  Tom even took us out to lunch.  Yes, he napped during the afternoon, and woke up just in time for the “Sound of Music”.  We’ll lay low again Monday, and rest up for Christmas Day and the day after.  Time for lots of family and visiting.  As of now, Tom feels like he can travel to the farm to celebrate with his family.  That’ll be on the 26th.  Therapy is Thursday/Friday this week, and three times starting next week.

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and please enjoy your families and the holiday season. Blessings to all of you!