Daily Archives: December 7, 2012

Dancing Again

We got in on the wonderful excitement today and are so glad that we were there for Tom’s move. We hadn’t seen him since Monday morning before his move out of ICU and down to 6th floor at the Med Center. His change from then was phenomenal. He’s gone from having sat in a chair for an hour or two to moving freely around, showing his sense of humor and being able to express whatever he wants to say. Speaking still doesn’t feel totally comfortable for him, but to the listener it is so much easier to visit. We now have a very good reason to hope for full recovery and his being home for Christmas! Thank you, Lord — and thank you all for your prayers!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Moving day is here.  I arrived at the med center about noon, to find out details for Tom’s move to Immanuel.  We were discharged about 1 pm or so. When Tom and I pulled away from the hospital, he asked  where we were going for lunch?  I didn’t think that lunch was in our plans, but to go straight to Immanuel.  Well, Tom saw Don and Millie’s and thought that would be a much better idea, after all he didn’t get lunch at the med center.  For a guy who was never hungry, suddenly food sounded good.  I think it was being out of the hospital in a month.  Against my better judgement we stopped at Don and Millie’s.  I felt like I was helping a felon commit a crime, it just didn’t feel right.  I thought we should of gone straight to Immanuel.  Tom enjoyed his meal.

We got to Immanuel just fine, and while checking in a nurse from the therapy department called and asked where we were.  I told Tom, “See we should of came straight here”. He said, “Tell them we were Christmas shopping.”  Oh, brother!  We got to Tom’s room just fine.  His new room number is 836A in the main hospital.

Tom decided to change his clothes into comfy shorts.  He remembered to sit down while working with his pants.  After a while, Tom got up to check out the room.  A nurse came in just as he was heading to the door, and asked him if he was the new patient and why was he out of bed.  He replied, “Just looking around”.  She goes, “Oh, I don’t think so and you need to change your socks these floors can be slippery.”  Tom was asked to get back in bed, and he crawled in on his arms and knees and then flipped around fairly well.  The nurse was surprised by his movement and asked why he was there.  Tom will need to be a bit more patient until they give him the okay to move freely around his around and such.  We got a chuckle about everything.

Later the case worker came in and was going over the agenda and such. She too asked if we had had problems getting to the hospital.  No, just a side trip to Don and Millie’s.  She laughed and was glad nothing serious had come up.  Going forward, Tom will begin Saturday his 3 hour a day therapy.  All the people involved will meet Tuesday to discuss his progress, and decide how many more days he’ll need for in house treatment.  After in house is done, Tom will have to come in for 1 1/2 hours three times a week, and I’m not sure how long that’ll be.  Our case worker did say that for every one day in bed, it takes three days to recover what you’ve lost.  I added up the minimum amount of days for Tom, and it’s around 64 days to recover at the least.  Tom has already showed good improvement, and it’s exciting to see the progress come together. Naturally, each person will recover at different rates, and our hope is that Tom will recover enough to be home for Christmas.

The only concerning part about today was talk about a blood clot in his right lower leg.  First I’ve heard of that.  Also, that he had a bleed in the brain.  Hadn’t heard that either.  Dr. Brockman was going to finish reading the information sent over from the med center.  We questioned the accuracy of that information.  His right shoulder seemed to be doing much better today.  When I left, Tom had both arms bent with hands on back of head.  I didn’t say anything to bring attention, but I did notice him moving his right arm more freely.

Tom does share his room with another patient. If you’d like to visit, perhaps after 3 would be best. He’ll be in therapy most of the day.  Tomorrow, Tom is open from 10:30 to 12:30 and after 3:30, Sunday open after 10am, and I believe by 4 on weekdays.  He may have some open spots over noon hour.  The schedule will change daily, but it is posted the night before.

I enjoyed our 1/2 hour date at Don and Millie’s, and I am so glad Tom’s one step closer to coming home.  God is good.  Good night.