More Information

I have more information. This morning Tom had a MRA done (test where they add dye to view the arteries/blood vessels in neck and back of brain). That test found that his left artery is showing a blockage. Blood went the wrong way through the vessels and got caught. For this they treat with blood thinners and the artery repairs itself in six months time. This information was explained to us from the cardio surgeon that came and visited. He showed us the ex-ray and we could see the thinner looking artery. This same surgeon wants to still do a TEE (Echo test through the throat to the heart area) tomorrow morning to make sure there isn’t any blockage in that area.

Also, last night they ran a liver function test and discovered a bump on the liver enzymes. This is more than likely a side effect of the Zocar. For now, they have discontinued all cholesterol meds until after they re take the liver test tomorrow.

So, currently, Tom is being connected to Heparin blood thinner to help prevent the blockage from getting any bigger. He doesn’t like being connected to lots of cords and etc. He took a shower and is talking better. The rest of the day he’ll rest and they’ll monitor is speech which is the current symptom, and tomorrow morning do the two additional tests.

We liked the carido doctor,as he came in with a non-sense approach and very straight forward. Even drew pictures on dry ease board to help show us how/where blockage would be and act like. He feels pretty sure that the blockage is the cause of all of this.

Tom will be here at Immanuel until Monday afternoon. Election day is Tuesday, and he’s scheduled to work it and is wondering if he’ll get out in time to do this. Maybe or maybe not. Depends on tests tomorrow.

That’s all I know for now. Thanks for the all the prayers,